A Short History of Intelligence
We humans are only as intelligent as the knowledge we have to work with.
Understand (verb): to stand in the midst of, among, between.
Intelligence (noun): from the Latin words, inter (between), and legere (choose).
First things first — mushrooms
It was Charles Darwin who wrote that intelligence is based on how efficient a species becomes at doing the things it needs to survive. If that is the case, then the 2.5 billion-year-old fungi are undoubtedly the most intelligent organisms on Earth.
Most think that fungi just make mushrooms, but the unrelenting growth of fungal stems (hyphae) which are five times thinner than human hair, and the enzyme cocktail they excrete, is enough to shatter the hardest rock repeatedly, creating the first soils in a bare landscape. In addition, fungi hold that soil in place with their dense root-like net (mycelium).
Fungi shaped and guided the force of life on Earth
It is fungi who helped pave the way for modern plants and animals to colonise virgin ground and it was likely fungi who help plants to make the leap from…